Things to know about our online order minimum are as follows:
- Any order placed on our site must reach a $10 subtotal to be able to be completed. This is, of course, the order total before the added shipping charge.
- If an order's subtotal is under $10, the system built into our site will not allow the order to be completed.
- If an order with a subtotal of less than $10 is attempted, the customer will receive an error message that reads "This order can’t be shipped to the address you entered. Review your address to ensure that all fields have been entered correctly and try again." This error is somewhat confusing considering the issue is not actually the address provided but the fact that our site does not provide a shipping option for orders under $10 in order to enforce this minimum. We are attempting to change this error to reflect a more accurate description.
Please feel free to direct any remaining questions regarding our online order minimum toward our fulfillment department, by either emailing orders@kukulskibrothers.com or by calling 602-386-3460 during normal business hours.
Thank you for your business and we'll see you at the championships!